Painting Challenge: Paris
Bonjour! For this week’s challenge, let’s paint scenes of Paris. Painting challenge: Paris Include the hashtag #Paris in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline April 26, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint any landmark or scene in Paris Sponsored by Vladislav Yeliseyev Entries must be posted…

Painting Challenge: Continuous Line Portrait
Challenge yourself to create a portrait using ink and watercolor. Ink: make one continuous line for the portrait. Then limit yourself to touching the paper with a paintbrush less than 4 times with color. Yes 4 times only! This won’t take long. I did one in 3-1/2 minutes. Painting challenge: Continuous Line Portrait Include the…

Painting Challenge: Chick
Explore the softness and playfulness of a little baby chick. Painting challenge: Chick Include the hashtag #chick in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline April 12, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint a baby chick Sponsored by Sue Bradley Entries must be posted in the Facebook…

Painting Challenge: Van Gogh
To honor Van Gogh’s birthday (March 30), this week’s challenge is to recreate any Van Gogh painting. Painting challenge: Van Gogh Include the hashtag #vangogh in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline April 5, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint any Van Gogh painting Sponsored by…

Painting Challenge: Spring Flowers
Springtime brings forth a kaleidoscope of colors, from daffodils and tulips to cherry blossoms and daisies. This week’s challenge is to paint spring flowers. Painting challenge: Spring Flowers Include the hashtag #springflowers in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline March 29, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details:…

Painting Challenge: Butterflies
Butterflies have immense significance, symbolizing transformation, beauty, and freedom. This week’s challenge is to capture the beauty of their delicate wings and vibrant colors. Painting challenge: Butterflies Include the hashtag #butterflies in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline March 22, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint…

Painting Challenge: Girl with a Pearl Earring
We are doing another famous portrait painting challenge. (do you remember how much fun Mona Lisa was last year?) For this challenge, paint the Girl with a Pearl Earring, by Johannes Vermeer in the 17th century. Painting challenge: Girl with Pearl Earring Include the hashtag #pearlearring in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group…

Painting Challenge: Song Title
Express your interpretation of song titles through watercolor. Let your painting become a visual harmony that resonates with your chosen song. Painting challenge: Song Title Include the hashtag #songtitle in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline March 8, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Select a…

Painting Challenge: Paint this ref photo with non-dominant hand
Get ready to push your boundaries! In solidarity with our moderator, Jennifer Elaine, who recently sprained her dominant wrist and the many people who are stroke survivors, we challenge everyone to paint the same reference photo with your non-dominant hand. Dare to step out of your comfort zone. Let your non-dominant hand guide your brush,…

Painting Challenge: Lemons
When life give you lemons… paint them! Painting challenge: Lemons Include the hashtag #lemons in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post. Deadline February 23, 2024 , 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint a lemon Sponsored by Debbie Friis-Pettitt, Watercolors that Glow Entries must be posted in the Facebook group:…