Amazon gift items under US $20
Looking for gift items for your art friends? Here are some of my favorite art goodies. And they’re not too expensive, all under US$ 20. (at the time of this posting) These little tools work great to make very fine lines using ink, liquid watercolor, or even masking fluid. Some masking fluid may be…

Water Media Playtime class
Water Media Playtime class What do you get when you gather 14 awesome people in a room with all kinds of art supplies? You get amazing art! Here are some of the items we used in the playtime class: I am an Amazon Associate and Jackson’s Art Affiliate, and may earn from qualifying purchases. #ad…

Highly textured watercolor paper – Khadi and Shizen
I tried out some new paper today: Khadi watercolor paper, 140 lb. This is handmade paper made in India from 100% long fibered cotton rag. I admire that they use the run-off water to irrigate an organic Mango farm. It has an interesting surface which creates interesting texture. And it can handle a lot of…

Experimenting with Golden High Flow acrylic paints and Alcohol Inks
I love to experiment with different mediums. I’m like a curious kid who wants to try everything! 🙂 You can use these Golden High Flow paints many ways. (and they are on sale!) I like to use the Carbon black for monochrome paintings. Pour a little paint into a tiny bowl or palette well, then…

Easy watercolor autumn tree landscape
This is a simple project. Trust me. 🙂 Watercolor paint: yellows and reds (whatever you have) ultramarine blue burnt sienna Don’t worry about what brand of paint you have. Student grade, artist grade, doesn’t matter. Just paint. 🙂 Two minute video! See, I told you this was a simple project! I did this on two…

Economical watercolor paper
I have discovered inexpensive paper that works really well! It has 25% cotton, but acts like it has more. I did several washes of color on this simple painting, and it handled it without pilling, or degrading the paper. I’m impressed! #ad For more info on paper… Texture and weight – Choosing the best…

Sketchbooks, make them yourself!
Save money! Make your own watercolor sketchbooks! I took four 10 inch x 14 inch Arches pads to my local FedEx Office store. Within an hour, they turned those 4 pads into watercolor sketchbooks: four 7 x 10 inch and eight 4-1/2 x 6 inch! They turned out great, and so much cheaper than buying a…

The philosophy of paper
Paper is more important than brushes and paint. Repeat after me: The paper is the most important part of watercolor. Say it again: The paper is the most important part of watercolor. Seriously, it is. If you want to explore the magical possibilities watercolor, to experience the luminous quality of the paint, the delicate translucent layers…

Texture and weight – Choosing the best paper for your painting
Some guidelines (not rules) for selecting the right texture and weight of paper. Watercolor paper can be classified by texture and by weight. Texture refers to the smoothness of the paper: hot pressed (smooth), cold pressed (slightly bumpy; also known as “Not” as in Not hot pressed), and rough (highly textured; often labeled as “R”)…

Block, pad, or full sheet – How to buy your paper
Block is the easiest to use, but also the most expensive. Full sheet is the most economical but also the most inconvenient. Watercolor paper is sold in blocks, pads, and full sheets. A block is a pad of paper that has been glued together on all four sides. You can paint on the top sheet without…