My watercolor journey, 2019-2020
Featuring ‘Cut the Corners’ by Rainsticks. The music of Rainsticks is available for purchase and download on their Bandcamp page.

30 faces in 30 days
Featuring ‘Be Mine’ by Blake. Blake’s music is available for purchase and download on his Bandcamp page.

Still lifes
From Lynn D. Pratt’s Patreon From a virtual class at Watercolor Art Society – Houston with Ksenia Annis – Tummy Rub Studio. Here is another candle tutorial she did. Anna Mason Art School. Anna Mason Art School. This is a free tutorial from Anna Mason Art…

Deb Watson tutorial. I painted this using several mediums. This is CaranD’Ache oil pastels. CaranD’Ache watercolor pencils Faber-Castell student grade oil pastels Line and wash. Wet on wet watercolor QoR Watercolor Schmincke gouache Karen Rice tutorial Watercolor Art Society – Houston weekend workshop with Monika…