Remember seeing all the gorgeous landscape photos shared during the week? Well, the next step is to paint someone else’s photo!
Around the World #aroundtheworld
Deadline July 9, 2021, 11:59 pm ET

Chapel on the Dunes, Port Aransas, Texas
Paint a landscape from one of the landscape photos shared in the recent challenge.
Did y’all love all the amazing photos from the landscape photo challenge? Did you see one you just have to paint? I saw 100s I want to paint!
Well, pick one (or several) and paint it for this week’s challenge.
Please pay attention to the rules of this challenge:
- Choose someone else’s photo from the #landscapephoto challenge (you can search the Facebook group for #landscapephoto to see all of them)
- Use that photo to paint a landscape
- Include in your post:
- #aroundtheworld
- person’s name who took the photo
- location of where photo was taken
A winner will be chosen randomly, and both the artist AND the person who took the reference photo will receive a 9″x12″ Arches pad and QoR watercolor dot card.

Arches 23 cm x 31 cm, 9 in x 12 in pad, cold press, 140 lb.

QoR watercolor sample dot card
Challenge details:
- You may enter as often as you want
- Open to all countries
- Include the topic hashtag in your post: #aroundtheworld
- Include who took the landscape photo and location of photo in your post
- Deadline July 9, 2021, 11:59 pm ET (New York time)
- Winner announced Sunday, July 11, 2021