I tried out some new paper today: Khadi watercolor paper, 140 lb.
This is handmade paper made in India from 100% long fibered cotton rag. I admire that they use the run-off water to irrigate an organic Mango farm.
It has an interesting surface which creates interesting texture. And it can handle a lot of water! It feels thicker than 140 lb.
I did this painting all wet on wet. I kept adding more dabs of paint and it handled it well. I just love the texture.
QoR watercolor colors used:
- Sky: indigo blue, manganese blue
- Foreground: sap green, quin gold, cad red medium, cad yellow light
- Background trees/shrubs: started with indigo, added quin gold and sap green. Then added dabs of Payne’s grey here and there, and it created shadows and depth.

Close up photo of foliage.
For more info on paper, The philosophy of paper, Texture and weight – Choosing the best paper for your painting
Here are examples of Schmincke super-granulating paints on Shizen paper. Shizen is also 100% cotton with amazing texture. Love granulation on textured paper!
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