
Weekly Challenge


Painting Challenge: Stained Glass

Stained glass has been made since ancient times, first as wares (cups, vases), then to windows.  This week’s challenge is to… Paint stained glass. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #stainedglass Deadline January 20, 2023, 11:59 pm ET Stained glass has always been one of my favorite…


Painting Challenge: On the Beach

Graham Berry must be tired of the cold, dreary weather and has asked us to… Paint the beach. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #onthebeach Deadline January 13, 2023, 11:59 pm ET Here are some recipes for mixing a sand color.  Sand isn’t a dark value, so…

Weekly Painting Challenge (3)

Painting Challenge: 2022 Favorite

It’s the end of the year.  Take a few minutes to look at all the art you created in 2022.  Celebrate your accomplishments! Share your favorite 2022 paintings. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #2022Favorites Deadline January 6, 2023, 11:59 pm ET This is one of my…


Painting Challenge: 15 Minute Art

You may not have much time to paint this last week of the year.   This week’s challenge is to do a painting in less than 15 minutes.    That’s right.   Spend no longer than 15 minutes! Paint 15-minute art. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #15minuteart Deadline…


Painting Challenge: Snow

Last week’s challenge was summer.  This week, it is time to… Paint Snow. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #snow Deadline December 23, 2022, 11:59 pm ET I live in Houston, Texas and we get snow only once every 10 years.  I love snow… it’s so pretty. …


Painting Challenge: Summer

The Southern Hemisphere just started summer season, yeah summer!  For the Northern Hemisphere, many are already tired of cold weather.    So… let’s Paint Summer scenes. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #summer Deadline December 16, 2022, 11:59 pm ET What does summertime mean to you?   …


Painting Challenge: Recipes

Post updated with all the recipes from the week’s painting challenge.  Click here for PDF —>   Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Recipe Book 2022   Let’s share your favorite recipes and paint either the ingredients or the finished item, or both! Paint and share recipes. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and…


Painting Challenge: Holiday Art

December is a month with many holiday celebrations:  Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Boxing Day, Bodhi Day, Pancha Ganapati, Omisoka, New Year’s Eve.  So it should be no surprise that our next challenge is to… Paint holiday art.  Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #holidayart Deadline December 2, 2022,…


Painting Challenge: Imaginary Creatures

This week, we will be looking inside our imagination to… Paint imaginary creatures.  Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #imaginarycreatures Deadline November 25, 2022, 11:59 pm ET What is an imaginary creature? It is any creature that is not real, something created from imagination. Here is a…


Painting Challenge: Shadows

Graham Berry is our awesome sponsor and has suggested this week’s painting challenge. Paint shadows.  Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #shadows Deadline November 18, 2022, 11:59 pm ET Shadows give depth and form to your art.   There are two types of shadows:  form shadows – the…