Ksenia has given our watercolor group 75% discount
for three of her courses: Learn to paint like Van Gogh, Paint like the masters, and Impressionism with gouache. You can get the bundle of 3, or select any of them.
Free Online Class: Learn to paint like Van Gogh with Ksenia Annis
Live recording: Saturday, August 6, 2022, 11 am – 12:30 pm U.S. Central.
Click here –> recording link.
The best way to study a master painter is to copy their work.
Ksenia will talk about Van Gogh’s style and approach to form and color. She will paint a replica of Van Gogh’s “Three Sunflowers in a Vase.” Instead of oils, she will be using watercolor, both transparent and opaque!
Reference photo and Ksenia’s replica:
You can visit Ksenia’s YouTube channel for many video tutorials!
Materials for this class:
- Watercolor paper, cold press at least 50% cotton if possible. Ksenia will be painting on 11”x15” (30 x 40 cm), but you can use a smaller format as well.
- Ksenia’s pigments (you can use similar colors from any brand):
- Daniel Smith (DS) Lemon Yellow
- DS New Gamboge
- DS Permanent Orange
- Holbein Mineral Violet (or any deep violet color to mix to get brown; if you don’t have a suitable purple, Burnt Sienna will be fine)
- DS Sap Green (warm green)
- DS Cascade Green (cooler green)
- Sennelier Royal Blue or DS Cobalt Blue
- 1/2”, 1/4″ and 1″ flat or flat angled brushes – all synthetics
- white gouache – any brand will work. Do not squeeze it out in advance! White ink will work too if you don’t have gouache
- oil pastels, or dry pastels, watercolor brush pens, soft color pencils, markers – any line tool you have. Colors: brown, dark blue, light and deep yellow, white
- a ceramic plate or a clean tray (for mixing opaque color)
- two water containers, paper towels or clean rags
- hair dryer if you want your painting to dry faster
Here is an Amazon list with some of the products Ksenia uses: Ksenia’s list on Amazon #ad
Ksenia is a water media artist and teacher living and working in Houston, Texas.
You can see more of her art on Facebook and Instagram @tummyrubbstudio. She publishes on-demand water media classes on her website KseniaAnnis.com and free video tutorials on her YouTube Channel: TummyRubb Studio.
>>> There will be a giveaway during the live class. One random attendee will receive an Artist apron contributed by The Artist Life.

Click on the image for details on the apron. When shopping at The Artist Life, use discount code DZWC15TAL for 15% off your purchase.
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