30 faces / 30 days, March 2021

Painting Challenge: Hats!

Painting Challenge: Umbrella

Umbrellas can be simple, colorful, small, or big:  beach umbrella, rain umbrella, table umbrella, or even a parasol. Paint an umbrella. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #umbrella Deadline May 5, 2023, 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Paint any kind of umbrella Entries must be…
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Painting Challenge: Rainforests

Rainforests are Earth’s oldest living ecosystems.  They are complex and diverse, home to more than half of the world’s plant and animal species.  A 10 square kilometer area can contain as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies.   Rainforests are called the lungs of…
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Painting Challenge: Mona Lisa

World Art Day is celebrated every year on April 15, coinciding with Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday. To celebrate World Art Day and Davinci’s most famous painting, paint your version of the Mona Lisa — whatever style inspires you. Paint the Mona Lisa. Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group…
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Painting Challenge: Contre-Jour (against the light)

This week’s challenge is all about painting strong contrasts against the light.  Thank you Graham Berry for challenging us to try new things! Paint contre-jour (against the light).   Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #contrejour Deadline April 14, 2023, 11:59 pm ET What does contre-jour mean? Contre-jour…
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Painting Challenge: Windmills

It is so windy this time of year.  It always makes me think of windmills. Paint a windmill.   Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #windmills Deadline April 7, 2023, 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Share a windmill painting Entries must be posted in the Facebook…
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Painting Challenge: Sports

What is your favorite sport?   Tennis, golf, soccer, baseball? Sports painting.  Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #sports Deadline March 31, 2023, 11:59 pm ET Here are the details: Share a sports painting, either someone playing the sport, a ball, anything related to a sport. Entries must…
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