
Weekly Challenge

Selfie (1)

Painting Challenge: Selfie

Let’s step out of our comfort zone this week and paint a self-portrait.   It can be silly, serious, or cartoon-like — let your personality come through!   Portraits can be intimidating.  So do not try to create a masterpiece… just have fun with it! Paint a selfie!      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor…


Painting Challenge: Vacation

Since it is WORLD WATERCOLOR MONTH… for this week’s challenge, let’s travel all over the world and see everyone’s favorite vacation destination. Paint your favorite vacation place.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #vacation Deadline July 8, 2022, 11:59 pm ET Maybe it’s a place…

Lifetime access to

World Watercolor Month 2022

July is World Watercolor Month!      To recognize and celebrate WORLD WATERCOLOR MONTH, paint one, some, or all of the Doodlewash July daily prompts.   In early August, we will randomly select 10 winners for some amazing prizes! –> Make sure to include #WWM2022 in your post in the Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook…


Painting Challenge: Value Study

One of the simplest ways to improve your art is to do value studies.  By only using one color, you can really focus on shapes and values. Paint a value study using one color.     Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #ValueStudy Deadline July 1, 2022, 11:59…

Untitled design (6)

Painting Challenge: Joyful Art

This week is all about sharing joy. Paint joyful art.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #joyfulart Deadline June 24, 2022, 11:59 pm ET It brings me joy to slap paint on paper.  Even if it doesn’t turn out how I envisioned, I have pretty…


Painting Challenge: Fruit

Let’s paint fruit.  Any kind of fruit!   The colors and textures will be great to see! Paint fruit.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #fruit Deadline June 17, 2022, 11:59 pm ET It could be a bowl of fruit, a single apple… a banana taped…


Painting Challenge: Underwater

We’re going to dive into this week’s challenge!   Sorry for the bad pun… I couldn’t resist.  🙂 Paint an underwater scene.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #underwater Deadline June 10, 2022, 11:59 pm ET This could be fish, dolphins, scuba divers, plants, coral, a…


Painting Challenge: Statues, Monuments, Headstones

  Paint a statue, monument, or headstone.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #statues Deadline June 3, 2022, 11:59 pm ET This challenge is to paint a statue, monument, or headstone.   There are plenty of subjects around:  human, animal, fantasy.  Here are a few reference photos you…


Painting Challenge: Tiny Painting

It’s time to get out your extra strength reading glasses… and paint small.  Really small.  🙂 Paint a TINY painting.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #tinypainting Deadline May 27, 2022, 11:59 pm ET We’ve done this challenge before and it’s so fun to see…


Painting Challenge: Glass

This week’s challenge was suggested by Chrissy Jennings.  Glass!   It could be a vase, wine glass, drinking glass, jars, anything made with glass. Paint glass.      Include the topic hashtag in your Watercolor – Beginners and Beyond Facebook group post: #glasspainting Deadline May 20, 2022, 11:59 pm ET To see amazing watercolor paintings of…