
Weekly Challenge


Painting Challenge: Sunflowers

“Sunflowers always turn their faces to the sun and we recognize the hope they represent in these troubled times.” ~ Laura Binkley Berg Paint sunflowers, the national flower of Ukraine.   Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #sunflowers Deadline Friday, March 4, 2022, 11:59 pm ET What is the prize?   …


Painting Challenge: Neurographic Art

Scribble + color = reduced stress.  🙂 Paint Neurographic Art!  Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #NeurographicArt Deadline Friday, February 25, 2022, 11:59 pm ET This week’s challenge is to create Neurographic Art.  It’s simple, and very relaxing to do. The steps are simple: Think about a challenge you’re dealing with,…

30 faces / 30 days, March 2021

Painting Challenge: Hats!

This will be fun…  Paint a hat!  Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #Hats Deadline February 18, 2022, 11:59 pm ET Let’s see all the different hats!  If you don’t want to include a person in your painting, no problem, just paint a hat!     What’s the prize?    Angela…


Painting Challenge: Famous Masterpiece

We all love to visit museums to see the famous paintings done by the old masters.   This week’s challenge is to Recreate a famous masterpiece in watercolor!  Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #FamousMasterpiece Deadline February 11, 2022, 11:59 pm ET There are so many masters to inspire you to recreate…

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Painting Challenge: Graham Berry Streetview

… and now for something completely different!  🙂 Paint a street view!  Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #GrahamBerryStreetview Deadline February 4, 2022, 11:59 pm ET Graham Berry came up with this brilliantly creative idea to leverage Google Streetview as a reference for a painting.   Here’s what he said: “…for those…

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Painting Challenge: Ksenia Annis Week

This is a special week — with a special prize!    Paint any Ksenia Annis tutorial!    Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #KseniaAnnisWeek Deadline January 28, 2022, 11:59 pm ET Paint any of Ksenia’s tutorials.  Here is a playlist of beginner tutorials.   Of course you may do any of her…


Painting Challenge: Let’s visit France!

France is one of my favorite places to visit… the architecture, the cities, the countryside, the food, the museums.   Paint anything pertaining to France!    Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #France      Deadline January 21, 2022, 11:59 pm ET What’s the prize?    Sennelier is sponsoring our challenge this…


Painting Challenge: Karen Rice Week!

We are kicking off the new year with Karen Rice Week!     Share a painting from any of her tutorials!      Include the topic hashtag in your WB&B Facebook group post: #KarenRiceWeek        Deadline January 14, 2022, 11:59 pm ET How can you find her tutorials?  Here are her links: YouTube Channel…


Painting Challenge: 2021 Favorite

For the last challenge of the year…  Share one (or several) of your favorite paintings done in 2021.      #2021favorite     Deadline January 7, 2022, 11:59 pm ET If you have ideas to share for future challenges, add your comment to the post –>  add challenge recommendation This is one of my favorites of…


Painting Challenge: Peaceful Art

Peace on earth… good will to all.   Paint peaceful art.    Something that gives you a feeling of calmness when you look at it.    #peaceful_art      Deadline December 31, 2021, 11:59 pm ET If you have ideas to share for future challenges, add your comment to the post –>  add challenge recommendation  …